After an extremely long 4 month hiatus, Bargain Monster is back not only to share with you my latest finds, but provide the help so you can get it too! TBM will have a better format, be more up to date (so the goods and the deals are current!), provide a closer look inside my personal life, and include more photos of my outfits featuring my lastest bargains! After all, who wants to ONLY look at photos of my clothes that a scored?! You might as well spend that time shopping the sale sections online!!! HA! Your thoughts are appreciated.
So you ask, why did I not post anything the past 4 months?!?!
Well, let's just say I scored too many goods during the holiday season to even try to keep up with the photos, posting etc... typically I want to take the photos before I wear the items, so its fresh and its new. Unfortunately I got "busy" with the holiday season and work that I ended wearing everything before I had a chance to post! And the receipts I kept to keep track of my "bargain prices"just kept piling up to the point where I felt overwhelmed and eventually tossed them! After I lost track of how much I paid for everything I just wanted to put all those things behind me and start FRESH!
What prompted me to jump back into this? ..... this weeks shopping bonanza.
You see, my birthday is in a week. And with a dreary closet full of "fall fashion" I started going a little crazy on my shopping. PS. The $$$ I got back from my tax returns didn't help put out the fire either.
Here is a little stint about myself so you know, I'm not a blogging robot in cyber space.
Below is a photo of my boyfriend Drew and I that was taken last month. Every piece I'm wearing was a bargain except my purse, which is Marc Jacobs (yes, you already know my weakness). The glasses (real prescribed) is Warby Parker. WP offers hip, cute, affordable frames and lenses at only $95 a pair! (including prescriptions!) There also one of the "good will" type businesses just like Toms. Save money and feel good about yourself! Best part of WP that sets them apart is their "trial servies." You get to choose 5 frames to try on at home for FREE! Just have to pay $1 towards shipping cost. How awesome is that? I had a blast wearing a different frame each day of 1 work week until I decided which pair to buy! Anyways its Sweater dress, I scored at Urban Outfitters over the holiday season, fishbone necklace I traded at Crossroads after selling off some oldies, and hat i've had for a while. :)